Remedial Massage focuses on relaxing overactive muscles. A basic treatment using hand on techniques. Please note that Remedial Massage is not relaxation massage

Myotherapy focuses on relaxing overactive muscles and activating inactive muscles. A more thorough treatment. Using a range of techniques including Dry Needling, Fascial Scrapping and Nerve techniques as well as Remedial Massage. 

General Massage. A treatment designed by Spencer as a wellness treatment. A way to  physically and mentally de-stress. Spencer will use techniques from both Myotherapy and Remedial Massage to help relieve general tension. More therapeutic than a spa treatment but less intense than a sports/remedial/Myo treatment. Spencer will work over your body to find issues and treat them before they’re a problem. Full body recommended 60min 



All treatments are available in 45 minute and 60 minute appointments and are all covered by private health. Check with your private health for your coverage for Myotherapy and Remedial massage (Code 205 or 105 for Medibank private) 90minute Myotherapy sessions are available under advice from Spencer


Spencer uses techniques that focus on muscles/tendons, fascia, joints and nerves



When seeing a Myo the main thing you’ll expect is to have work done on your muscular aches and pains

Trigger point and Dry needling are two techniques directly targeting sore points in the muscles aiming to cause a natural response from the brain to either activate or relax that area.

Massage, stretching and hot/cold therapy aim to promote blood flow causing the muscle to because warm and relax. Spencer may use cold creams or packs if swelling is present.



Fascia is the glue that keeps the body together, fascial tightness occurs due to repetitive movement, postural issues and dehydration. This may not initially feel painful but restricted. You can’t get comfortable or can’t get a good stretch. Almost like doing yoga with jeans on. Eventually fascial adhesions will result in muscle aggravation.

Myofascial release, IASTM (Scraping) and cupping work to slowly separate fascia and you will feel an instant release of pressure around the muscles.



Joints are the connective point between two bones. They are self-lubricating but if they aren’t used, they’ll become quite stiff. Imagine clenching a fist for an hour, your fingers would become stiff when you tried to open it. The same happens to your neck, shoulders, back and hips when you’re sitting at a desk all day.

Joint mobilisation passively moves that joint through its designed range to help promote the lubrication process allowing much easier movement.



Nerves are the wiring of the body, transmitting messages from the brain to its intended target of the muscles. Through compression and entrapment, those messages can become distorted and can result in weakness of that muscle and pain in surrounding areas due to compensation. Whenever you sit for an extended period, you may complain of a numb bum or legs, that is the feeling of nerve compression.

Neuromuscular techniques (NMT) and Muscle energy techniques (MET) target these nerves using isolated movement or stretching to relieve the compression and return the nerve to its full potential.

Injuries we treat

TMJ (Jaw) Dysfunction, Headaches, frozen shoulder, lower back pain, sciatica, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, various tendonitis, General aches and pains.

Myotherapy Melbourne Blog